We’re delighted to be able to provide more services than ever to our patients all under one roof here at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. We’d like to introduce the new faces you’ll be seeing at your next visit and tell you about the new clinics and new treatments we can now offer.
New Oral Surgeon offering IV Sedation

We’re delighted to welcome Specialist Oral Surgeon Dr Eimear McHugh to the practice. She provides a full range of services in oral surgery and implant dentistry, including wisdom tooth extraction and treatment under IV sedation. This is great news for nervous patients who may be putting off dealing with grumbling wisdom teeth because of nerves and patients looking into their options for replacing missing teeth. Many of the procedures that Dr McHugh does will be covered by patients’ medical insurance policies as well.
Dr McHugh’s clinics have already begun on Friday afternoons in Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge and will be becoming more frequent as the year advances.
New Dentist offering Facial Aesthetics Clinic

Many of you will already have met Dr Jennifer Owens who joined us in February from another corner of Dublin 4, where she worked as Google’s first ever in-house dentist. Dr Owens graduated with honours from UCC in 2011 and worked in private practice in rural Australia for a couple of years, gaining extensive experience in general dentistry, orthodontics and oral surgery. With a background in skincare and make-up, Jennifer has a special interest in facial aesthetics and is fully certified in the administration of Botox and Dermal Fillers, and she is a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr Owens will be offering both early morning and late evening dental appointments every week.
Dr Owens will also be holding regular facial aesthetics clinics, providing Botox and dermal filler injections. Have a look at her website for more information on the types of treatment she offers.
New Hygiene Clinic

We’re delighted to be able to offer more time slots than ever before with our popular dental hygienist Lorraine Doyle, who has added another day of appointments here at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. Lorraine is now available every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with early morning appointments on Mondays, and late evening appointments on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
New Options for Treating Teeth Grinding
Are you someone who clenches their jaw or grinds their teeth? Maybe your partner has told you that you’re grinding your teeth in your sleep and you’ve woken with a sore jaw, headache or facial pain! Or perhaps you’ve worn or broken some teeth due to bruxism. It’s a very common issue among patients. In the past, dentists have mostly provided hard or soft bite splints (night guards) for patients to wear to protect their teeth while sleeping. At Pembroke Dental we are now also offering two additional options for treatment.
Botox injections can be used to prevent the jaw muscles from contracting which are active when patients are clenching or grinding. It takes effect in a few days and can last 3-4 months before normal function returns.
Cerezen devices are a pair of small hearing-aid size appliances that fit discretely inside the ear and interrupt the subconscious mechanics of the jaw associated with bruxism and TMJD. They can be worn at night and during the day, without interfering with hearing. You can read more about these new devices on the Cerezen website.
New Orthodontic System
Dr David Keenan is now delighted to be able to offer patients the ClearSmile Brace system, in addition to Six Month Smiles braces, Inman aligners and clear aligners. This means at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge we can offer you the best adult orthodontic system to suit your needs. Whereas in other clinics you will simply be offered the only system provided there.
ClearSmile Brace is mainly used to straighten the front 10 teeth for aesthetic reasons. It uses traditional techniques with new technology to reduce orthodontic treatment times and improve the appearance of the braces.
ClearSmile Brace uses clear brackets, as opposed to metal brackets. The wire used in a ClearSmile Brace is also coated with a tooth coloured material. As a result, ClearSmile Brace is less visible than traditional fixed braces.
To discuss any of these treatments or schedule an appointment with the dentist or hygienist, or a free orthodontic consultation, please call 01 668 3242 or email info@pembrokedentist.ie.