There once was a time when the only way to correct crooked teeth was to get metal braces— but not anymore. These days, Invisalign and other types of clear aligners are the new norm. If you are ready to improve the look of your smile, chances are you’re considering Invisalign too.
But, if you don’t know much about clear aligners, this guide has the answers. Continue reading to learn more about Invisalign Dublin services, how clear aligners work, and more.
What Is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a dental treatment that’s an alternative to braces. Traditional braces are metal and use wires and brackets to pull the teeth together. However, Invisalign uses clear aligners that are customized to fit your teeth.
With Invisalign dental treatment, you wear the aligner trays over your teeth every day. It’s a great option for individuals who don’t like the look of conventional braces. Clear aligners allow them to correct their dental flaws without the metal.
Not only that, but aligners don’t have as many restrictions. There is a lot of food that is off-limits for individuals who wear metal braces.
If a person eats corn on the cob, sweets, and other hard foods, it increases the risk of damaging the wiring or the brackets. However, people who wear clear aligners don’t have to worry about those limitations.
Also, Invisalign clear aligners are made with BPA-free plastic, which makes them a safe alternative to traditional braces.
SureSmile is a very similar system which offers all of the advantages of Invisalign.
Does Invisalign Work?
Invisalign clear aligner trays help to push your teeth into alignment. Every other week, you’ll get a new set of trays to replace the old ones. The trays are designed to move your teeth about 0.25 millimetres, and each new set of aligners bring you closer to a flawless smile.
However, before getting your Invisalign Dublin treatment, you’ll have a consultation with the orthodontist. They’ll have a look at your mouth and determine whether or not Invisalign is a good option.
For patients with more severe dental flaws, Invisalign is unable to treat the problem. Depending on the condition of their teeth and gums, metal braces, dental crowns, or veneers might be required instead.
After the dentist determines that Invisalign Dublin treatment is right for you, x-rays and impressions are taken of your teeth to help create a 3D image of your mouth. The 3D technology provides an in-depth look of your teeth, so the trays fit as accurately as possible. As your teeth begin to shift, you’ll put in your new aligners to adjust to their new position.
For Invisalign to be effective, patients are encouraged to wear their aligners for the majority of the day. You’re required to take your clear aligners out while eating, but other than that, the trays should be on your teeth for at least 23 hours every day. If you don’t keep them in for the proper amount of time, you’ll get slower results.
However, if you stay committed to the process, your Invisalign before and after photos are going to look incredible!
Does Invisalign Hurt?
For the most part, Invisalign is relatively comfortable to wear. However, pain and discomfort are normal when you first get your aligners fitted or whenever you switch them out.
For most people, the discomfort is minor, and it subsides within a few days. On the other hand, some individuals experience pain and discomfort throughout their entire treatment. No matter if your pain is temporary or long-term, there are some things you can do to alleviate sore gums and teeth.
Over-the-counter meds work well for relieving pain. Medication like Tylenol, ibuprofen, or aspirin are effective for minimizing pain. Also, for individuals who experience discomfort when switching aligners, anti-inflammatory medication, such as aspirin or ibuprofen can help to minimize inflammation and swelling of the gums.
It’s also a good idea to use a cold compress or ice pack on your cheeks. Doing so will reduce swelling and provide comfort to soreness. Plus, drinking cold water or sucking on ice cubes can also provide relief.
In addition to that, it’s a good idea not to eat crunchy or hard foods when you’re experiencing aches and pains. Avoiding it will allow your mouth to heal and reduce irritation.
Is Invisalign Worth It?
Invisalign is absolutely worth it. Some people have achieved desired results in as little as six months. Not to mention, Invisalign Dublin teeth straightening is super simple and convenient. Just having the option to avoid the complications of metal braces is enough to make aligners worth it.
The pricing for treatment in our Invisalign Dublin office starts at €1,495 for simple aligners. However, the price increases to €2,495 for regular aligners, and the Invisalign cost for complex clear aligners is determined after an assessment of your teeth is completed.
How to Clean Invisalign
Cleaning Invisalign aligners is relatively simple. It doesn’t take any complicated techniques— only a little consistency. Below are a few tips to help keep your Invisalign Dublin aligners clean and fresh:
Clean Your Invisalign Trays Twice a Day
It’s a good idea to clean your aligners when you brush your teeth. Bacteria builds on the trays during the night, so cleaning them first thing in the morning is good for your oral hygiene. It’s also beneficial to do this step at night as well. After a full day of eating, your trays will need to be refreshed again.
Soak Your Invisalign Aligners Every Day
You want your aligners to look good and smell fresh, so soaking them as the best way to do it. You can place them in a denture cleaner or in your Invisalign cleaning crystals.
After they’re finished soaking, use a secondary toothbrush (not the one you use on your teeth) to scrub off plaque and food particles. Lastly, rinse them before placing them back over your teeth.
Rinse Your Aligners Each Time You Remove Them
In addition to your twice-daily cleaning routine, it’s also helpful to rinse your trays when you remove them. Doing so will prevent plaque and hardened saliva from building on them.
Furthermore, you can clean your aligners with a bit of antibacterial soap and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Adding this step gets rid of stuck-on bits of food and other particles that rinsing can’t remove.
Also, its important to carry everything that you need to take care of your aligners throughout the day. Make sure you pack a toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, and your Invisalign case.
Store Your Trays Properly
You should make it a habit of putting your Invisalign aligners back into their case when you’re not using them. Having them out in the open air exposes them to bacteria. Not only that, but your trays are more likely to become lost or damaged when they’re not in a safe place.
Make sure you have your case on you when you’re leaving the house and if you have them out of your mouth for hours at a time, be sure to rinse them off before putting them back on your teeth.
Don’t Eat With Your Aligners in Your Mouth
This last tip isn’t much about cleaning, but about preservation. The only thing that you’re allowed to drink when you have in your aligners is water. If you consume any other food or drinks, you should take them out.
If you eat with your trays on your teeth, not only can food get stuck on them, but they can get damaged and stained. Invisalign trays are not designed to handle the pressure of eating and biting.
Invisalign Vs. Metal Braces: Which Should You Choose?
The truth is, both teeth straightening treatments work effectively. However, the method you choose is determined by your preference.
Clear aligners offer a few more perks than traditional braces. There is no restriction to the food you can eat, and if you don’t like the “brace face” look, you can choose the more sleek, sophisticated alternative.
Normally, the Invisalign cost is more expensive than traditional braces. But if you don’t mind spending the extra money, it’s worth it.
Plus, if your teeth only need mild adjustments, Invisalign Dublin aligners should work like a charm. You could have a perfect set of teeth within months!
Invisalign Dublin: Get the Smile You’ve Always Wanted
Are you ready to give your teeth a makeover? If so, Pembroke dental can help. We provide Invisalign Dublin treatments, as well as teeth whitening, crown, veneers root canals, and more.
If you have any questions, feel free to call 201-668-3242 or contact us for a free consultation.
We can’t wait to give you a sparkling new smile!