Category: Dental Health

How Do You Fix A Chipped Tooth​?

How Do You Fix A Chipped Tooth​?

A chipped tooth can be unsightly. More importantly, the sharp edges of a chipped tooth can cause injury and make eating difficult. That is why it is important to seek immediate treatment if you or a loved one gets a tooth chipped or fractured. If you want to learn about how do you fix a chipped tooth, then this blog is for you. Read this blog till the end to know more about the treatment options for cracked or chipped teeth.

I Chipped My Tooth, Do I Need To Fix It?

A chipped tooth should never be left untreated. This is because the tooth may have chipped in such a way that the nerve endings in the inner dentine would have been exposed, leading to sensitivity and even infection. Secondly, a chipped tooth may have a sharp edge that may injure the tongue or create difficulty eating or speaking. So, it is important to get a chipped tooth fixed as soon as possible.

Can You Get A Chipped Tooth Fixed Years Later?

It may be possible to get a chipped tooth fixed many years later. However, in such cases, your dentist will first examine the affected tooth carefully to inspect for signs of further damage or tooth decay. They will first remove the damaged tooth structure and proceed with restoring it with a suitable filling. In some cases, they may also reinforce the restored tooth with a crown. This is done to prevent the tooth from fracturing.

Can You Eat Normally After Repairing A Chipped Tooth?

You can eat and speak normally with a restored chipped tooth, provided the treatment is done by an experienced dentist. Dentists can utilise several options for restoring chipped teeth such as dental fillings, and crowns.

How to Fix Chipped Tooth in the Front?

A chipped front tooth can create aesthetic concerns besides making eating and speech difficult. Thankfully, dentists can utilise various treatment options to treat chipped front teeth. For a minor tooth chip, your dentist will restore it with composite bonding. For moderate tooth chips, your dentist may consider porcelain veneers. Dental veneers are not only superior to composite fillings in terms of aesthetics but are also longer-lasting and more stain-resistant. Finally, they may also consider porcelain crowns for severely damaged teeth.

Do I Need Dental Care If There Is A Tiny Chip In My Front Tooth?

Yes, even a tiny tooth chip shouldn’t be left untreated. This is because the tiny chip may grow larger over time and may even get infected, necessitating costly and time-consuming treatment. So, it is always best to seek treatment for a small tooth chip right away instead of undergoing extensive treatment later.

How Do You Fix A Chipped Tooth​?

The treatment of a chipped tooth depends on various factors, such as the location of the tooth and the extent of the damage. For chipped front teeth, aesthetics are of prime importance. Hence, your dentist will consider composite bonding or veneers for the treatment. The back teeth, on the other hand, bear heavy biting forces. So, they must be reinforced sufficiently so that they don’t fracture. In such cases, your dentist may consider placing a crown over them after restoring them with a suitable filling.

What Is The Best Treatment For Jagged And Chipped Teeth?

Your dentist will consider a combination of restorative and cosmetic treatments for jagged or chipped teeth. Typically, dentists use composite bonding, veneers, and porcelain crowns for restoring such teeth.

Can I Bite Burgers And Pizzas From My Front Bonded Tooth?

Thanks to modern dentistry, composite bonded teeth are sufficiently strong and durable. You can safely bite burgers and pizzas with teeth restored with bonding. However, one must be careful when eating hard or sticky foods. This is because these foods can fracture, and even dislodge the restoration. Other than this, you can enjoy virtually all types of foods with bonded teeth.

Why Do Bits Of My Teeth Break Off?

If bits of your teeth are breaking off, it could be due to tooth decay. When teeth become demineralised due to caries, they become soft and fragile. As a result, small pieces of such teeth begin to come off. If this is happening to you or a loved one, you should visit a dentist right away. The dentist will examine the tooth and restore it with a suitable filling to prevent further damage.

Is A Cracked Tooth A Dental Emergency?

A cracked tooth could lead to a dental emergency in a few cases. For example, if a tooth gets cracked, leaving behind exposed dentine or pulp tissue, it can cause severe pain and discomfort. The exposed dental tissues may even get inflamed. Both these conditions require immediate intervention. So, if you or a loved one gets a tooth fractured, they should visit their dentist immediately. Even if it happens outside business hours, you should call your dentist and discuss it with them. If needed, they may ask you to come for an emergency appointment and treatment.

If you are looking for the best restorative and cosmetic dental practice in Ballsbridge, Dublin, your first choice should be Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. We take pride in having the best dental team in town which is equipped to treat virtually all dental problems under one roof. So, request a free consultation today and let us take care of your entire family’s dental needs.


What Those Numbers The Dentist Calls Out Really Mean?

What Those Numbers The Dentist Calls Out Really Mean?

You might have heard your dentist call out various numbers to their assistant while examining your teeth or gums. Have you ever wondered what are these numbers and what are they used for? In addition to numbers, dentists often use difficult terms that are not understandable by laymen. So, if you are interested in knowing what those numbers the dentist calls out really mean, then you should read this blog till the end because it contains all the information you need about the numbers used by dentists during examination and treatment.

How Teeth Are Numbered In Your Mouth?

When examining teeth and recording treatment procedures, dentists need to use consistent naming and numbering systems to avoid confusion. Therefore, there are three main types of numbering systems for teeth used by dentists worldwide: The FDI, universal, and the Palmer numbering system.

The FDI system divides the mouth into four quadrants. In each quadrant, the central incisor tooth has number 1 and the wisdom tooth is numbered 8. So, a central incisor in the first quadrant (upper right) will be numbered 11, while a wisdom tooth in the third quadrant (lower left) will be numbered 38. The Palmer system is also similar to the FDI system. On the other hand, the Universal numbering system has an individual number for each tooth. Therefore, for permanent teeth, it starts from 1 and ends at 32.

What Do Dentists Say When Checking Teeth?

Dentists often call out numbers and various terms while examining a patient’s teeth. These numbers typically refer to the patient’s tooth number or oral hygiene status. For example, if they say #37, it would mean the lower left 2 molar teeth. Dentists also use a numbered grading system to record the health of your gums. They use a special probe which measures the depth of periodontal pockets. So, the higher the depth of the probe, the deeper the pocket and the more advanced the gum disease is.

Another set of numbers used by dentists is the length of the endodontic files used by dentists during root canal treatment. They often record these numbers in their notes for the next treatment step or easy understanding by fellow dentists.

What Are The Numbers Dentists Write In Their Notes After A Dental Exam?

During a clinical examination, dentists often note down the  (position) of your teeth which are decayed, missing, or fractured. This helps them prepare a comprehensive treatment plan for each patient. This also helps fellow dentists easily understand the treatment procedures they have performed and what needs to be done next.

What Do Numbers Tell You About Your Gum Health?

As mentioned earlier, your dentist will record the health status of your gums using a grading system. The greater the depth of the gum pocket, the deeper the penetration of the dental probe and the more advanced your gum disease. Based on this grading system, they will decide whether to consider a surgical or non-surgical treatment. If the damage is extensive, they may consider scaling and root planning along with antibiotic therapy.

What Is The Gum Score Chart And What Does It Mean?

Dentists around the world use a universal system to grade the gum health of their patients. For this purpose, they use a gum health chart that records each tooth’s periodontal status. It helps your dentist determine which type of treatment – surgical, non-surgical, or no treatment (for healthy gums) – should be considered for your gums. This chart also helps them keep track of your treatment progress and improvement in gum disease.

Dental Terminology: What Is Your Dentist Really Saying?

Dentists often use jargon that is not understandable by their patients or laymen. This can sometimes be frightening for the patients as they are not aware of what their dentist is saying. However, there is no need to worry as your dentist will explain everything to you in simple terms once they have completed your examination. Moreover, they will proceed with treatment unless you have understood the treatment procedure and have consented to it.

In most cases, the terminology used by dentists refers to the tooth number or a specific condition related to your teeth and gums. Sometimes, they also use scientific terms for various dental procedures such as peri-apical abscess, or an endo-perio lesion. All these terms are used by dental professionals to record their findings or communicate with their assistant or dental hygienist.

Why Do Dentists Blow Air Onto Their Patients’ Teeth?

Have you ever wondered why dentists blow air onto their patient’s teeth? This is because it is one of the most effective methods to check whether a tooth is sensitive to hot or cold stimuli. Dentists blow cold air on different teeth to identify the problematic one. They may also look at the affected tooth’s x-ray to assess the extent of the damage. In case the damage is minimal, your dentist may recommend oral hygiene measures (brush and floss) to treat the sensitivity. If the tooth has become decayed, then restoring the affected tooth with a suitable filling material would be a better option.

If you are looking for a dentist in Ballsbridge, Dublin, who will thoroughly examine your teeth, explain everything in simple terms, and provide top-notch dental treatment, then you should go to Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. We offer the best dental services to our patients in a comfortable environment and at affordable rates. Request a free consultation with us today and let us give you a reason to smile!


Cosmetic Bonding Dublin: What Is Teeth Bonding & What To Expect?

Cosmetic Bonding Dublin: What Is Teeth Bonding & What To Expect?
An attractive smile is a great social asset. According to a survey by the
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, people with beautiful smiles are perceived as more attractive and approachable than those with blemished or flawed smiles. This means that people with attractive smiles have a distinct social advantage over those without them. 

But what about people who have crooked teeth or blemished smiles? Can they also appear attractive and approachable? Why not, thanks to cosmetic dentistry? One of the most effective and commonly used cosmetic dentistry procedures for restoring damaged smiles is cosmetic bonding. 

If you want to know more about cosmetic bonding to restore your crooked or stained teeth, this blog is for you. So, read on till the end to learn how to enjoy a beautiful smile with composite bonding. 

What Is Teeth Bonding, And How Does It Work?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, cosmetic bonding is a procedure in which your dentist will apply a tooth-coloured filling material over your teeth to restore various cosmetic and structural defects. It is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic dental procedures worldwide. 

Is Composite Bonding A Good Option For My Teeth?

Cosmetic bonding Dublin is an excellent treatment option for anyone who has damaged teeth. Some of the clinical situations where cosmetic bonding can be used effectively are:

  • Chipped or crooked teeth 
  • Fractured teeth (fractures not extending below the gum line)
  • Teeth with permanent stains 
  • Teeth with mild to moderate gaps 
  • Mild to moderate overcrowding of the teeth 

What Happens During Your Composite Bonding Treatment?

Comsetic bonding Dublin is a straightforward procedure that requires 30 – 45 minutes per tooth. During the procedure, your dentist will remove the damaged tooth structure. Afterwards, they will apply a mild etchant over your teeth for 30 seconds to create microporosities. These microporosities allow the bonding to penetrate and bond with the tooth structure. 

Next, your dentist will apply the bonding agent in small increments. Each bonding increment will be hardened using a special light. Once the entire tooth has been restored, your dentist will polish the surface of the restoration to maximise the aesthetics and prevent future chances of plaque and tartar deposition. 

Would Cosmetic Bonding Dublin Improve My Smile?

Cosmetic bonding is one of the best options when it comes to rejuvenating blemished smiles. Whether you have permanent teeth stains or chipped, composite bonding should be your first choice to get back your smile and self-confidence. In fact, composite bonding is also used worldwide on celebrities for complete smile makeovers. 

Should I Get Dental Veneers Or Dental Bonding?

According to the American Dental Association, a veneer is a custom-made shell of porcelain or composite resins bonded to the front surface of the teeth. Both veneers and composite bonding serve the same purpose: to restore the aesthetics and structure of damaged teeth. However, they differ in the way they are prepared. For example, a bonded restoration is considered a direct filling, meaning that it is placed into the patient’s mouth directly at the dental chairside. On the other hand, a veneer is an indirect restoration. It is prepared in the dental laboratory and then bonded to the prepared teeth. 

Since porcelain veneers are prepared in the laboratory under controlled conditions, they contain fewer structural defects and hence, offer superior aesthetics and durability than bonded restorations. However, they are also more expensive than direct composite fillings. 

So, if your primary concern is to maximise the aesthetics of your damaged teeth, you should consider veneers. However, if you want a relatively cost-effective treatment option with sufficient durability, you can go with Composite Bonding Dublin. 

Can I Get Cosmetic Bonding Dublin Instead Of Braces?

Did you know that composite bonding can also be used for cosmetically treating mild to moderate tooth overcrowding or spacing? Your dentist will use bonding to fill the gap between the teeth to hide the gaps. Alternatively, they may use bonding to cosmetically hide overcrowding of the teeth.

However, it must be remembered that bonding will only fix the aesthetic issue and the underlying malocclusion of the teeth will not be addressed. The ideal treatment option for moderate to severe crowding or spacing is orthodontic treatment with braces or clear aligners. However, if someone cannot wait for up to 1.5 years to get their teeth straightened with braces, they consider cosmetic treatment with bonding. 

Can Dental Bonding Fix Multiple Teeth Gap Together?

As mentioned above, cosmetic bonding can be used to cosmetically hide various orthodontic defects, including excessive teeth spacings. However, it can only be done for mid to moderate cases. Moreover, it doesn’t address the underlying issue. 

Is Composite Bonding A Good Option For My Teeth?

Composite bonding is an excellent treatment option for anyone who has crooked, damaged, or stained teeth. You are also a candidate for bonding if you have worn-out amalgam fillings that need replacement. 

How To Choose The Best Cosmetic Dentist In Dublin?

If you have any cosmetic tooth defect, such as teeth stains, fractures, or chips, and you’re looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Dublin, you should consider visiting Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. Our team of experienced and qualified dentists is there to take care of your entire family’s dental needs under one roof. So, request a free consultation with us today and let us give you a smile that you genuinely deserve. We look forward to seeing you at our Ballsbridge practice. 

Composite Cosmetic Bonding – Your Questions and Concerns Answered

Composite Cosmetic Bonding - Your Questions and Concerns Answered

In today’s world, having an attractive smile is equally important as one’s dress and the car one drives. This is because your smile is the first thing people notice about you. Unfortunately, people who have flawed smiles due to stained, chipped, or crooked teeth are often perceived as unattractive and less friendly. If you also have cosmetic tooth defects affecting your facial aesthetics and smile, there are several options available in cosmetic dentistry to fix these issues. Among these options, cosmetic dental bonding is one of the simplest and most cost-effective restorative and cosmetic treatment options. 

If your dentist has suggested cosmetic bonding to eliminate your facial flaws and you’re unsure about this treatment option, this article is for you. This blog explains everything you need to know about composite bonding to make an informed decision regarding your cosmetic dental treatment. 

What Is Tooth Bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is a procedure in which your dentist will restore the structure, function, and aesthetics of broken, chipped, or stained teeth using tooth-coloured filling material. Composite restorations are also called bonded restorations as they are directly bonded to the prepared natural teeth. According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, cosmetic bonding can also be used as an alternative to more costly cosmetic procedures such as porcelain veneers and crowns. 

Is Composite Bonding A Good Option For My Teeth?

Composite restorations, or resin-based fillings, are absolutely safe for use in the oral cavity and carry minimal risk of adverse effects or allergies. Besides, bonded restorations possess excellent aesthetics; teeth restored with composite fillings blend in perfectly and become virtually indistinguishable from the natural ones. Therefore, composite bonding is one of the best options for restoring structurally damaged or cosmetically flawed teeth. 

Can Dental Bonding Be Added To The Back Of Front Teeth?

Composite restorations are bonded directly to the natural tooth structure. As a result, they do not require significant tooth removal for their attachment. Their ability to be bonded to the tooth structure also allows them to place on any tooth surface, whether on the front, back, or sides. In fact, composite fillings can also be bonded to the back surfaces of the front teeth. Today, composite restorations are sufficiently strong and durable. Hence, they can also be used to restore back teeth, which receive heavy biting forces. 

Will Composite Fillings Fully Close The Gap And Be Able To Floss?

The ideal treatment option for closing teeth gaps, also called diastemas, is orthodontic treatment with braces. This is because orthodontic treatment will physically move the teeth to close the gaps. However, if one cannot afford orthodontic treatment or is not willing to wait for a few months or years for their teeth gaps to be closed, composite bonding may also be used to fix this issue. However, composite fillings are only suitable for cosmetically closing minor teeth gaps. It must also be kept in mind that bonding offers only a cosmetic solution, and it does not fix the underlying problem. However, the good news is that once your teeth gaps have been corrected with bonding, you will be able to floss normally. 

Can I Bite Burgers And Pizzas From My Front Bonded Tooth?

A few years ago, dentists would advise their patients to avoid biting directly on hard foods with their front teeth if they had composite filings. But today, modern composite restorations are amazing; they offer excellent aesthetics and are pretty strong and durable. Therefore, there is no harm in biting on burgers, pizzas, or other fast foods items with your bonded front teeth. However, you must still be cautious while biting on very hard foods like nuts, as they may fracture the restoration. 

How Long Will Front Teeth Bonding Last?

Contemporary bonded restorations are much stronger and more durable than they were a few decades ago. According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bonded restorations can last for up to 4 years before they need to be repaired or replaced. Your composite fillings can last even longer if you maintain optimal oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for checkups. 

What Are The Advantage Of Composite Fillings?

Composite restorations offer various advantages, such as:

  • Less Costly – composite restorations are less expensive than other cosmetic options like veneers, lumineers, and crowns. 
  • Tooth Conservation – unlike silver amalgam fillings, composite restorations do not require extensive removal of healthy tooth structure 
  • Aesthetics – being tooth-coloured, the shade and colour of the bonded restorations can be matched precisely with the neighbouring teeth, thereby offering natural aesthetics. 
  • Repairability – minor defects in composite restorations are repairable.

Do Composite Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?

Composite veneers are thin shells of composite resins that are prepared in the laboratory and then bonded to the front surfaces of the front teeth. Although composite veneers require the removal of a thin layer of the outer enamel, they don’t damage our teeth.  Instead, they can significantly improve the aesthetics and strength of our teeth. So, no; composite veneers do not damage or ruin our teeth. 

Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened?

Bonded teeth have the same aesthetics as natural ones. However, one of the drawbacks of bonded restorations is that they get stained pretty easily. And unfortunately, stains on bonded restorations cannot be removed through professional whitening, as in the case of natural teeth. So if your composite restorations get stained, your dentist will have to repair them or replace them with fresh ones. 

Finding an experienced and qualified cosmetic dentist who can transform your smile is truly a blessing. If you are looking for a cosmetic and family dentistry practice in Ballsbridge local parts of Dublin, look no more! Pembroke Dental is there to take care of all your dental needs. So, what are you waiting for? Book a free consultation appointment today and begin your journey towards your dream smile. 

The Importance Of Dental Crown Cleaning

The Importance Of Dental Crown Cleaning

We all know that regular brushing and flossing are most effective in keeping our gums and teeth healthy. But did you know that it is even more essential to keep dental prostheses like crowns, bridges, and dentures clean? So, whether it’s natural, restored, or artificial teeth, ensuring optimal cleaning is necessary to ensure their long clinical life and survival. This article discusses why it is important to ensure optimal teeth cleaning is restored with dental crowns and other prostheses. Continue reading to find out more.

Can You Put A Crown On A Decayed Tooth?

A dental crown is a cap-shaped structure that rests on damaged natural teeth and restores their aesthetics, structure, and function. If you have a grossly damaged tooth, your dentist may reinforce it with a porcelain or composite crown. However, dental crowns cannot be directly placed over decayed teeth. First, your dentist will remove the decayed tooth structure and replace it with a suitable filling. Only then can they put a crown over the tooth. 

Can I Get A Cavity Under A Crown?

Although not very common, it is possible to get a cavity under a crown. This type of tooth decay is known as secondary caries or decay. When your dentist places a crown over a tooth, they place an adhesive inside the crown, which fills the space between the tooth and the prosthesis. This adhesive serves two purposes; ensure that the crown remains firmly adherent to the supporting tooth and to fill the space to prevent bacterial growth, which may lead to secondary tooth decay. Secondary teeth cavities can arise either due to improper dimensions of the prosthesis or incomplete sealing by the adhesive cement. 

How Do I Take Care Of My Dental Crown?

Looking after your crowned teeth, even a dental implant is simple as taking care of your natural teeth:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid eating hard or sticky foods – they can exert pressure on the crown and result in their dislodgment.

Finally, you should visit your dentist regularly for checkups to ensure the optimal health of your teeth, gums, and dental prostheses. 

Why Does Crowned Tooth Gum Smell?

When healthy, there should be no smell from teeth are restored with dental crowns. However, if the gum tissues surrounding a crowned tissue become inflamed due to plaque deposition and bacterial penetration, the gums appear red and swollen and give off a foul smell. If you feel an unpleasant odour emanating from your gums, don’t take this condition lightly and visit your dentist immediately for treatment without delay.

Is It Possible For A Permanent Dental Crown To “Taste Funny”?

Crowned teeth function just like normal teeth; they don’t have any smell or taste. However, if your crown tastes funny or salty, it may be due to an underlying problem. In most cases, it may be due to the inflammation of the gums, which leads to the release of the highly concentrated gingival fluid. In some cases, it may be due to the blood coming from infected gum tissues. Regardless, such conditions should not be taken lightly, and immediate dental help should be sought.

How Do I Remove Black Lines Around The Crown Of A Tooth?

Black staining of the crowns can occur for various reasons, most commonly due to strong-coloured foods and drinks. Naturally, stained crowns create an aesthetic problem. Unfortunately, stains on dental crowns cannot be removed through professional teeth whitening. If you have stains around your crowns, your dentist will suggest replacing them with fresh ones. 

Can You Floss Around A Crown?

Oral hygiene maintenance for crown-supported teeth is just like natural ones. You should brush and floss normally around the crowned teeth just like you do with the natural ones. In fact, it is even more important to ensure optimal cleaning around the crowns as the crowned teeth are at a higher risk of developing secondary tooth cavities and gum problems. 

What Are The Types Of Teeth Cleaning?

Professional teeth cleaning is one of the most effective methods for the prevention and management of gum disease. When it comes to teeth cleaning, there are two main types. The first type of cleaning simply involves removing the plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth using ultrasonic instruments. This type of cleaning is reserved for mild to moderate periodontal problems. The other type of professional teeth cleaning, also called deep cleaning, involves plaque removal from the teeth and below the gums, followed by polishing the tooth surfaces to prevent future infection. 

Is The Oral Irrigator Helpful To Teeth?

An oral irrigator is an appliance that works like dental floss. The device generates a pressurised stream of water that helps remove plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth. According to the Mayo Clinic, while water irrigators or flossers can remove plaque and tartar deposits from interdental spaces, they cannot be considered a substitute for regular brushing and traditional flossing. 

Why Is Dental Deep Cleaning Necessary?

Deep cleaning is a procedure in which your dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth and below the gumline. Dental experts recommend that everyone should visit their dentist for a checkup at least twice a year. During the routine checkup, if your dentist or dental hygienist finds underlying signs of gum disease, they will recommend professional cleaning. However, in advanced stages, a deep cleaning may be necessary to treat the underlying issue. 

Dental crowns and other prostheses should be looked after just like natural teeth. More importantly, visiting your dentist regularly for checkups ensures that your natural and restored teeth remain healthy and last for a lifetime. If you are in Dublin, and looking for a family dental practice, then Pembroke Dental in Ballsbridge should be your choice. We offer high-quality dental care under one roof in a calm, relaxing, and comfortable environment. So, book a consultation appointment with us today and let us take good care of your family’s oral health. 


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