Tag: short-term orthodontics

New Super Slim Inman Aligner 3 Month Brace

Inman Aligner logo

The Inman aligner is one of the most popular types of braces available here at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge. While all of the systems provided by Dr David Keenan are short-term, cosmetic braces, the Inman aligner allows most patients to complete their treatment in the quickest time, usually just 3-4 months.

Super Slim Inman Aligner

With any braces, patients have to learn to adapt to speaking while wearing the appliance. Until now, the main disadvantage of the Inman aligner was that it could take patients a while to adapt their speech. However the new Super Slim Inman aligner takes care of this, and it’s lighter, thinner and more discrete than before!

  • The bow is three times thinner than before;
  • The plastic is more transparent and so more ‘invisible’;
  • Patients can adapt their speech faster;
  • There’s no reduction in effectiveness;
  • The new Super Slim Inman aligner can actually improve treatment times, as patients are less likely to remove the device and will wear it for longer each day.

Here’s an example of a patient who has been wearing her new Inman Aligner for just two weeks. Her braces are so discrete it’s hard to either see or hear that she’s wearing them!

You can read much more about the Imnan aligner on the orthodontics section of our website and we regularly add photos of patients before and after treatment to our Instagram feed. If you would like to arrange a free consultation appointment with Dr Keenan to discuss the Inman aligner or any of our orthodontic systems, please call 01 668 3242.


Great Results with Short-Term Braces

We’re often asked many of the same questions by patients who come in for our free orthodontic consultations: “what are my options?”, “what kind of results can I expect?”, and “what will it cost?” While nothing can replace the one-on-one advice you can get at a visit with Dr David Keenan here at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge, here are the topline answers to these frequently asked questions!


  1. What types of braces are available at Pembroke Dental?

The best thing about short-term orthodontic treatment at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge is that we provide every type of system available – Six Month Smiles, Inman Aligners and invisible braces (clear aligners) – and we can combine different systems if needed. This is different from some other practices who will simply offer the only system they provide. Plus we have years of experience with all our systems.

Whether your main concern is about how long treatment will take or how noticeable your braces will be, we have a solution. Some braces are worn for as little as a few weeks, while others are invisible and not noticeable during a typical face-to-face conversation.

six month smiles logo

Inman Aligner logo

Clear Aligner Image

Details about Six Month Smiles, Inman Aligners and invisible braces (clear aligners) are on our website. Each system has its particular advantages, whether it’s getting results quickly or being as discrete as possible. The most appropriate solution for your case will depend on your individual circumstances. Why not contact us today for a free consultation with Dr Keenan and find out which braces are suitable for you*?


  1. What results can be expected? Before and after pictures – some great results.

While it’s well and good to talk about straightening your teeth, nothing beats seeing actual results! Here are some examples of results achieved with patients who underwent treatment in Pembroke Dental in the last year:

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles Before

Six Month Smiles After

Beverly, age 35, Before & After

This patient presented a challenging case but in just six months we achieved a result she is very happy with. She was fitted with Six Month Smiles on her upper and lower arches and followed by a course of at-home whitening treatment (which we offer for free to patients who are having this Six Month Smiles treatment). Dr Keenan adds: “We complimented this with some composite bonding to even the shape of her upper front teeth. This is something that we occasionally undertake after orthodontic treatment to achieve the best possible cosmetic result”.

Invisible Braces (clear aligners)

EH Before

EH After

Emma, age 25, Before & After

This lady was concerned about her lower teeth which were overcrowded. We used a combination of clear aligners on her upper arch and an Inman Aligner on her lower arch, followed by at-home teeth whitening to achieve this result in just five months. Dr Keenan says “The clear aligner system is a great compliment to the Inman Aligner. Excellent results can be achieved very quickly”.

Inman Aligners

MK Before

MK After

Michelle, age 21, Before & After

This patient was bothered by a relapse in her upper teeth, having had orthodontic treatment as a teenager. She was only concerned with fixing her lateral incisors which stuck out. “The Inman Aligner is the ultimate orthodontic appliance for cases that require simple movements to align crooked front teeth,” according to Dr Keenan.  In just three months the upper front teeth were straightened using an Inman Aligner. (This patient decided not to avail of 50- off whitening treatment after finishing with braces, which we offer to patients having Inman Aligner treatment).


  1. What are the costs involved?

Many patients are worried that orthodontic treatment will be very expensive. In fact, many tell us that they wanted to get braces when they were younger but their families couldn’t afford it. Now they want to go ahead themselves and get braces but they’re worried that it will cost a fortune and by the time they’ve saved up for it, it will be too late!

Firstly, be reassured that it’s almost never too late to get braces. And secondly, you don’t need to wait until you have the full cost saved up and pay it all in one lump sum. The initial consultation is free of charge, so it will cost you nothing to come in for a chat with Dr Keenan and ask him any of your questions about orthodontic treatment and short-term braces.

At Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge we also offer interest free finance over the course of your treatment. This means we take a deposit at the first treatment appointment and we’re happy for you to pay the balance of your fees at your visits over the course of your treatment – it’s like repaying a bank or credit union loan but without the interest added!

No Hidden Fees

Another major concern patients come in with is that of ‘hidden’ costs. Fear not! The prices of our treatments are listed on our website for anyone to read. At Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge Dr Keenan will explain the treatment plan and associated costs to you clearly and simply. Dr Keenan may also recommend some complementary treatments to you, such as a visit to the dental hygienist or a retainer at the end of treatment. These are to make sure you get the best results from your orthodontic treatment and are happy with the results. In fact, with Inman Aligner treatment at Pembroke Dental Ballsbridge we offer a 50- discount on teeth whitening, or you can get free teeth whitening when you opt for Six Month Smiles on both upper and lower teeth.

Whitening Smile Image

You can also claim tax relief on orthodontic treatments going back four years. You may already be familiar with the Med 1 form for medical expenses, but a Med 2 form also exists for certain dental treatments, including braces. You can claim tax relief at the standard rate of 20-. Some patients complete this online through the Revenue website, but if you would like us to do the Med 2 form for you at the end of your treatment, please ask!


  1. What’s the follow up?

Patients also ask how long they can expect the results of their orthodontic treatment to last. The answer to that is indefinitely, once you comply with any follow-up advice, such as fitting a bonded retainer or wearing your removable retainer consistently.


Do you have any other questions about short-term adult orthodontics? Read more on our website or contact the office by email or phone 01 6683242 for a FREE consultation with Dr Keenan.  


*In a small number of cases short-term orthodontics are not suitable for an individual patient. In these cases Dr Keenan is more than happy to refer patients to a specialist orthodontist to explore other more appropriate treatment options.

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